With a total of 196 countries in the world, there are so many places to visit. Adventures around the World will touch on some of these countries. We’ll learn some fun facts about Mexico, US, Australia, Ireland and more.
Did you know that the least populated country is, currently, the Pitcairn Islands, with a very small populated of just 50 residents. It currently takes up 0.000001% of the entire world's population. Some people, think due to the fact that it is owned by the United Kingdom, is not a real country, when in fact it is. The least populated OFFICIAL country is Vatican City, with a population of 800.The most populated country is China with a total of 1,333,420,000 people.
Grab your passport and let’s go for an adventure. An adventure around the world!
This addition is not going to be a full weekly curriculum, but to be used as an add on to your themed curriculum. I will post when I have our 1st place picked out, but I will be adding passports today.
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